Monday, June 12, 2017

Week 41--2 Nephi 25:23

Hey Loved Ones!

This week was kind of hard. We had a lot of things fall through--just about every other planned appointment--and lost some investigators along the way. Plus, it was very very cold and I am a reptile. But I feel like the low moments are when you really learn the most about God's grace!

Sunday, I had probably hit the end of my rope the day before. Members were coming up to us before sacrament meeting started and asking us who we were planning on having at church today, and how they could help make them more comfortable. They are THE BEST in this ward about it. And it was only then I realized how many people confirmed they were coming to church! Every single person who committed to come to church did, and some less-active members of the ward we were working on came too! We actually hit an all-time high for my mission of investigators at church, and when we tallied up our lessons at the end of the week, we hit an all-time high for lessons with members there! I could not believe it!

As I looked back on the week, in spite of the hard stuff, there is so much that God has done I need to be grateful for. Derika's heart has opened up so much. We love her and are planning on seeing her for short lessons every day this week! We wish we could just have sleepovers over there! We're going to extend the invitation to be baptized again, so pray that the Spirit works on her to work to that goal. Also, the Linders are so immersed in the ward. They are working hard on progressing, and they have told us multiple times they have a spare bedroom they want us to move into haha.

Also, a cool story: Sister Forseth has seen this guy Chip around Columbus for almost the past 6 months. Just everywhere! She taught him a lesson initially but he wasn't interested. He was also homeless at the time. But a week ago she saw him again and invited him to church, again. He said yes and has been to church two Sundays in a row! I feel like he knows more of the ward members than I do. He we hope will also commit to a baptism date as well this week, as he wants to!

At the end of the day, I'm so thankful for the miracles God has done. I work my hardest, and the Lord makes up the rest. Even when I feel like my best isn't good enough, "When I am weak I am strong" (2 Corinthians 12:10.) And on my own, even my best isn't good enough, but that's the beauty of grace: "For we labor persuade our children, and also our brethren, to believe in Christ, and to be reconciled to God; for we know that it is by grace that we are saved, after all we can do."

Love you, But Jesus Loves you BEST!
Sister Pugmire

Here's a pic:
Walking through a graveyard in the snow...creepy!
Inline image 1
In matching PJ's a member gifted to us! The pic turned out super orange. Call us Snooki and JWoww.
Inline image 3

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