Hola Queridos,
Dumb things I've said in Spanish:
- I told the Bishop's wife I went and lived with my boyfriend in high school and her daughter could do the same thing.
- I told the Relief Society my companion and I don't have a phone and if they want to invite us to dinner call Mission President Carlson.
- I told my companion I'm very pregnant; Also told her I have a tumor growing out of my neck and back.
- Accidentally confused someone's name for "Sangrita"
Good week for language study!
I've realized my new assignment is like being someone new to the Gospel or the Church. I didn't know how to pray, I wasn't really familiar with my scriptures anymore and starting out reading them I didn't understand them most of the time. There is a lot of new vocabulary that is never used except for the scriptures. I didn't have any friends at church except for the missionaries. I didn't know how to talk to these people, and I've said a lot of dumb things!

It's a new culture, and I'm not sure quite how to act. I'm still not entirely sure what is going on all of the time!
A lot of people ask me if I am new to the mission!
Which I'm sure is how people returning to the Church feel when they are asked if they were just baptized. I respect and understand so much more the experiences of coming into or back into the Gospel.
I adore being in a Spanish branch! Reasons:
- Mexican food. Everyday.
- Everyone eats dinner at like 4.
- It's super small and everyone knows everyone and is all up in each other's business.
- Doing activities and parties. The whole "being organized" thing not so much, but the purpose is achieved!
- Spanglish: Chequete (Check yourself) Watchete (watch yourself) Achievear metas (Achieve our goals)
We also had a cool experience this week. Felt prompted talk about sharing the Gospel on the internet. Especially we emphasized every time we share something Gospel, linking it to more Church content. We challenged Sister Morales to do so. She taught in Relief Society yesterday, and brought up this challenge we'd given her the night before. She was crying as she told the class how she had shared a Church page with her non-member sister. I'm not quite sure what else she said, but it must have been very touching because everyone in the room was crying.
It's so easy to do something like that, but it can have a huge impact.
Swearwords might be expensive, but salvation isn't! #ponderizing these verses this week:
"Come, my brethren, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters; and he that hath no money, come buy and eat; yea, come buy wine and milk without money and without price." (2 Nephi 9:50, Isaiah 55:1) " "And thou hast beheld in thy youth his glory;...for the Spirit is the same, yesterday, today, and forever. And the way is prepared from the fall of man, and salvation is free." (2 Nephi 2:4)
Los quiero muchรญsimo pero Jesรบs los ama aun mรกs!
Hermana Pugmire
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