Hey Loved Ones,
This week was really incredible. I learned a lot about how important it is to have unity. We were doing training at the library and as we left I noticed a woman on the computers watching a video about fasting and prayer. I felt prompted to talk to her, but didn't. As Sister Brown and I left, she mentioned the same woman. I said I noticed her as well, and said we should go talk to her. Sister Brown reminded me of the things we had scheduled next, and said we needed to go. We drove away, but she quickly flipped back around. "I have this garbage feeling if we leave without talking to her." We struck up a conversation with her, and long story short, Deeanne is looking for everything that the Church offers. We've met with her several times this week, and she came to church yesterday and now has a baptismal date for September 24th. If Sister Brown had not brought up that woman when she felt prompted to, I would have ignored the prompting I felt. And if I had not suggested we talk to her, perhaps we both would have drove away. It really does take two!
Also, I learned what prayer and learning the true nature of God can do. Jason is on date! He's just been getting stronger and stronger in the Spirit. You can see a wonderful change in his countenance. We had two lessons with our Ward Mission Leader Bro Province. He is so willing to help at the drop of the hat and loves our investigators so much as well! He was able to choose September 18th, and Sister Brown asked a very inspired question: "Why do you want to be baptized?" "I want to repent. I want to make my life better and make myself better. And I've realized the only way to do this is to accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and be baptized." We asked, "Have you accepted Him as your Savior? Do you believe in Him?" He said "yes" with confidence. So powerful. Keep in mind he is only 16. What an amazing change from someone who just a month or so ago wasn't sure he believed in a God. It was also a great testimony for Caleb, also present, who much like him, a while ago wasn't sure about God. After learning more about Him, he has come to learn of a God he can trust in, and I feel like that has helped him believe. We asked him if he believes it is God the Eternal Father he has seen operating in his life, and he said he felt that this would be who God is! He wants to know more. He also wants to be baptized within coming months! After that lesson Caleb and Jason hung out with Brother Province and ate otter pops! (:
This week was really incredible. I learned a lot about how important it is to have unity. We were doing training at the library and as we left I noticed a woman on the computers watching a video about fasting and prayer. I felt prompted to talk to her, but didn't. As Sister Brown and I left, she mentioned the same woman. I said I noticed her as well, and said we should go talk to her. Sister Brown reminded me of the things we had scheduled next, and said we needed to go. We drove away, but she quickly flipped back around. "I have this garbage feeling if we leave without talking to her." We struck up a conversation with her, and long story short, Deeanne is looking for everything that the Church offers. We've met with her several times this week, and she came to church yesterday and now has a baptismal date for September 24th. If Sister Brown had not brought up that woman when she felt prompted to, I would have ignored the prompting I felt. And if I had not suggested we talk to her, perhaps we both would have drove away. It really does take two!
Also, I learned what prayer and learning the true nature of God can do. Jason is on date! He's just been getting stronger and stronger in the Spirit. You can see a wonderful change in his countenance. We had two lessons with our Ward Mission Leader Bro Province. He is so willing to help at the drop of the hat and loves our investigators so much as well! He was able to choose September 18th, and Sister Brown asked a very inspired question: "Why do you want to be baptized?" "I want to repent. I want to make my life better and make myself better. And I've realized the only way to do this is to accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and be baptized." We asked, "Have you accepted Him as your Savior? Do you believe in Him?" He said "yes" with confidence. So powerful. Keep in mind he is only 16. What an amazing change from someone who just a month or so ago wasn't sure he believed in a God. It was also a great testimony for Caleb, also present, who much like him, a while ago wasn't sure about God. After learning more about Him, he has come to learn of a God he can trust in, and I feel like that has helped him believe. We asked him if he believes it is God the Eternal Father he has seen operating in his life, and he said he felt that this would be who God is! He wants to know more. He also wants to be baptized within coming months! After that lesson Caleb and Jason hung out with Brother Province and ate otter pops! (:
I've been so touched by the love that the people in Franklin show for those they have just met. For the love they have for the Lord. From offering to drive completely out of their way to pick someone up, to even opening up their home to an investigator who was homeless, there are many examples...too many to recount. Romans 13:8 states, "Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law." I found out yesterday I am getting transferred to Carmel, Indiana. I hope to take these people's examples there with me!
Love you,
But Jesus Loves you Best!
Sister Pugmire

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