I'd just like to report that I am having the time of my life. That is all.
Things I Never Thought Would Happen as a Missionary:
#16: Cicadas. They only come out once every seven years, and this is the one! They're SUPER WEIRD. We were having a lesson outside with Matthew and I noticed the grass we were sitting on was kinda crunchy. Turns out they shed their exoskeletons--perfect little hollow shells that look just like them--and we were sitting on em.
After they shed, they go into the trees and SCREAM. They can reach 90 decibles, which is the same volume as as a lawn mower. Just imagine a million of them in tree. I've attached a picture of a full grown cicada below. Almost 3" long! I'm super fascinated.
Had to say goodbye to Brian this week! He is off at Ball State and loving it according to his friends! Before he left we had him at a lesson with Jason (second from right) and Caleb (far right). We had the lesson with the Hamners, and they love those boys so much! They are all SUCH solid kids, and excited about the Gospel. We had another lesson with Jason, and a big thing for him is encouraging him to pray.
He, out of all in their group of friends, is the most unsure as to whether he believes in God. In that lesson, he said the closing prayer! Everytime before he was too shy, but he shouldn't have been, because it was truly someone talking to a Father and friend.
It was a miracle to see the moment that clicked for him. You could see it in his face. He came to church on Sunday. We were really worried he wouldn't. Caleb couldn't because he was going to see his mom this weekend, and it's hard to go to church without your friends. But he was there on time! He was excited to see the people he met at Brian's baptism, which was cool. We didn't see him most of church because all the young men in the ward whisked him off to be with them!
After church, we found out that he was planning on walking home. The fact that he like Brian was willing to go to church without a ride, walking the whole way was super sweet. We were talking to him at the potluck after, and he said he had pulled an all-nighter because he would've gone to bed late and was so worried he would oversleep and miss church!
I wish I had my priorities that straight haha! He's also been talking to his sister Savannah about us. She wants to come with him to church and come to our lessons, and he said she has been thinking about baptism too!
Then he told us a story that was just so heart warming: He had really been craving donuts yesterday but had no money, and so he prayed that he would be able to find a way to make some extra money. He was doing yard work for his step mom when the neighbor came out and said they were doing such a good job, she would pay him to do her lawn as well! His prayers was answered and he made $12 to buy donuts.
The look on his face was priceless as he told us how the Lord answered him.
Heavenly Father is real, His son Jesus Christ lives, and they care about us! They command us to pray, about EVERYTHING. Alma 34:18. I challenge you to look up all the verses where Jesus commands us "ask and ye shall receive"--no strings attached! It's in these simple prayers that are answered where They show just how powerfully They love us an are concerned about the details of our lives.
And I
you, but JESUS loves you BEST,
Sister Pugmire
This was taken after the lesson we
had Monday night! Silly. Brian loves his triple combo! And below is a cicada.
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