Hey Loved Ones,
Click on the blue words. 

Happy Easter!
Indiana is the India of America: And Columbus is Little India! Columbus has the highest percentage of international people in the state (pretty much all Indians) which is saying a lot because they relocate a ton of refugees to Indianapolis.
When the prophet says jump, get in the air and then ask how high! That's what the Linders did this past week. Sister Giles and I had been feeling a prompting we really needed to get them back into reading the Book of Mormon. As a couple they read every day, but a member of the ward told them to read D&C before they read anything else haha... (Don't do that.) We hadn't been able to meet with them last week, but when we came by this week, they said, "We're almost done with 2 Nephi. We started over again once the prophet gave his talk...we thought we need to get on it!"
They say, "If you want to increase your rate of success, increase your rate of failure." Too true. Sister Giles and I have been rejected in this past week more than we usually would get rejected in a full month. She's seriously the most upbeat person to be around. We'd been taking a challenge from our mission president to pray to find, teach and baptize families. We met some guy on the street named Billy. He seemed like he didn't really want to talk to us, but he did give us a time to come by.
When we had the appointment, I was worried he would flake out on us. I was not too stoked to go. But once there, his wife Holly and their kids were there and were very excited to see us. They had watched the #Prince of Peace video and loved it.
They have really been searching. We invited them to church, but Sunday morning Holly called and said she didn't think they'd go. All I said was, "Oh, darn, we would've really like you to come. We think you'd like it." "Okay!" and she came. She is so easy to be entreated. And they had a wonderful experience at church. Our ward is so loving.
Also at church was Chip!! Good ol Chiperoo. After falling off the face of the earth for the past few months, he went to two sacrament meetings yesterday just because he wanted to, and then walked up to Sister Giles and I, and said, "When can I be baptized? I don't care when, just as soon as you can let Bishop know."

The #PrinciplesOfPeace videos are so spot on. Amid rejection, the Savior was Compassionate. "All ye shall be offended because of me...but...I will go before you." Amid judgment, the Savior was Forgiving. "Forgive them for they know not what they do." Amid crucifixion, the Savior was had Hope. "Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise." If it is not already part of your tradition to read accounts of the Savior's last week of mortal life before Easter, make it one. It adds a Spirit to Easter that could be there no other way.
Love ya, but Jesus loves you best!
Sister Pugmire
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