We've had a great week! We basically uncovered everyone's reasons for not accepting our baptismal invites this week. Kind of painful in some instances, but overall an amazing step forward and something we are excited to tackle!
We had a great start with teaching Charlie. He is a very devout Roman Catholic and has a really long curly fu-man-shu mustache too. When we first tracted into him, he immediately invited us back. We taught him the Plan of Salvation first and he said he had always believed in three kindgoms of glory, and all the nuances of the Plan of salvation. It was crazy! but he did not give us an appointment for SIX WEEKS. and when we went and visited him, there was confusion and we ended up having to even postpone that appointment. We had given him a Book of Mormon and reading assignments when we came back he said he already believes it to be the word of God, but wants to read more to be sure. We taught the Restoration, and he said that he already believes the Catholic church has no Priesthood, even though he is a lay minister there. He also said it is kind of an empty shell that just is operable as a way to keep people happy and establish order in society, and the don't carry the power of salvation, but he loves the way it is organized and loves his church and so he is very devoted to it. We invited him to baptism and he said, "So I have two questions: You wouldn't accept my Episcopalian baptism I originally had? And do you believe in infant baptism?" We frankly told him no. After it was funny, because he accepted the invite and it was apparent he was testing us. Kind of funny.
Chip tried to drop us this week. He said he hated Sunday school and had no friends there and wanted to go back to his old church. It was truly the gift of discernment, because we were able to reach his real concerns. He really didn't understand repentance. He had been excommunicated from his other church for smoking pot like four years back and was nervous. He was so excited when we explained repentance again. I think teaching repentance to others has really helped in my own testimony of it.
Derika is doing really good. She is really coming around to the whole idea of the doctrines of the church, which are very different from her Lutheran upbringing. SHE is actually the one who will be TEACHING Sunday School next week! So proud of her! As far as baptism, it really comes down to unity with her husband. He was baptized almost a year ago and I think she wants to be in unity or catch up with him before being baptized herself.
The Linders are doing great too. We found out why Brother Linder won't accept baptism yet. He said he is waiting for Sister Linder. He really wants her to go to the temple. I think he had some confusions though, because he said he wanted her to go there so she could have the Priesthood to baptize him herself!
I've also gained a lot of confidence by vocalizing my spiritual promptings. It may not always be how I expect, but we got a great new investigator Ben. As we began teaching him the Restoration we asked him if he had ever heard the name Joseph Smith before. He said, "I don't think so..was he a prophet?"
It really was a dream come true this week. And I know it has all come from God. This scripture has been echoing through my mind:
"I know that he granteth unto men according to their desire, whether it be unto death or u nto life; yea, I know that he allotteth unto men, yea, decre eth unto them decrees which ar e unalterable, according to th eir wills, whether they be unt o salvation or unto destructio n." (2 Nephi 2:26)
Now it came to pass that many of the Lamanites that were pri soners were desirous to join the people of Ammon and become a free people. And it came to pass that as many as were des irous, unto them it was grante d according to their desires. (Alma 62:28)
The Gospel makes us free. and this week I hope with this new year and new change that the rights to live in this country as a God-fearing people will lead us to this freedom.
Love ya, pray for ya, but Jesus loves you best!
Sis Pug
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