Things I Never Thought Would Happen as a Missionary #15:
- See Patricia again! She moved back to Franklin. But when set up an appointment with her, she was very drunk/hungover. She forced us to take 5 tootsie pops each and a king size Snickers bar before she would let us leave.
This week I learned a little bit more about the elect of God as it relates to the elect of the world; in that, it doesn't relate.
Last P-day while I was emailing you, someone comes and sits next to me. He asks who we are, and if we go to the college in town. I say no, we are representatives of Jesus Christ and missionaries. He says that something looked different and couldn't put his finger on it until he had seen our nametags. But then he launches into this whole rant about organized religion, how it was all a scam for money and how he's a Wiccan and worships nature. And it's annoying because I'd rather be talking to my family than being bashed by some random guy. And he's talking SUPER loudly, at least three people hushed him in this library but he continues. He's going on about how he's read the Bible and it's a load of crap and makes no sense, and so I interrupt and throw it out there,"Well, have you ever heard of the Book of Mormon?!" At this point I was annoyed with him and told him to check one out from the library and call us if he wanted more info.
Well, Matthew, his name is, is interested. We met with him three times this week and he kept every commitment that we gave him and then some. We've talked about the Book of Mormon every time. It's seriously scary how well he gets the Book of Mormon. Weird stuff. It's like he's already read it. He's working on it though, and is now working on Jacob 5, the longest chapter!
I can't even tell you what a silly kid Matthew is. Imagine Dwight Schrute as a 19 year old, and then make him a Wiccan.
That's as close as you'll get. And he's had a crazy life! He's been thrown around in foster care all his life and has really had to pull himself up, but he says not to feel bad for him because he is really better off without his family.... :( ...
He may not be the elect of the world, but as I was talking to him in the library last week, a scripture shared with me by my MTC teacher came to mind...a prophesy about how the elect of the Lord in the latter days will be very attracted by the Book of Mormon.
I learned this week that I am not good at judging who is the Lord's elect and who is not, but the Lord is and he has given us a tool for not only identifying but also how to become the Lord's elect, and that is the Book of Mormon. (:
Love you, But Jesus Loves You Best 

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