Hey Loved Ones!

#34: This quote from an investigator: "Hey, I really like how you guys aren't talking to me about God right now."
#35: This prayer: "Dear Heavenly Father...please bless my brother to stop smokin' pot. Dear Heavenly Father, amen."
Sister Forseth: "You forgot YOURSELF in that prayer!!!"
#36: I'm in one of the architectural hotspots of the world! Little Columbus, The Athens of America, is actually world famous for it's architecture!
Brother Linder got baptized this Sunday! He bore his testimony in sacrament {I was not the only one tearing up} he taught Gospel Principles {we actually think he needs to go to Gospel Doctrine...his lesson was wayy deep,} and bore his testimony at his baptism for his family to hear. This whole week they were just so stoked for the pre-baptism lessons and how to follow the commandments. They are even more stoked about the post baptismal lessons about the temple and Priesthood! Brother Linder still wishes his wife could baptize and confirm him, but they were happy to have Sister Linder assigned to a talk. She DID AMAZING speaking on baptism at the service! She gave us a preview before hand, and it almost made me cry. She was using LDS.org to research and everything!! She said that while she was on there she ended up reading a talk by one of the apostles that said that rated R movies and PG-13 movies are not good, and so now they don't want to watch those movies. I swear, they say as a missionary you can't convert someone beyond your own conversion, but they are more Molly Mormon than I am right now!!!
The Baptismal Service was amazing. It was jam PACKED. Some of the missionaries that had previously taught their family were there, and were so surprised at the change of heart. Just a year ago he was saying he would never get baptized and did not believe in organized religion. Now he is being baptized into the most organized religion out there! Just like the talk in the Ensign that Sister Forseth first brought by, "Living for the Eternities," they really are living for the eternities. That's the reason why Brother Linder wanted us to sing "Spirit in the Sky" at the baptism, cuz that's where he's aiming!...Soooo tempted!
{We ended up putting the lyrics on the back of the pamphlet. That's what you get for letting missionaries organize the baptism
} During the service, Brother Linder's brother and later his youngest son stood up and bore testimony of what a change it has been in their hearts. Hope to see them enter the waters soon!
Seeing them repent has been amazing. It had been 30 years since Sister Linder had been to church. and 15 YEARS that missionaries had been working on them, but the Spirit finally got to them! They were prepared and when we taught it was like we were just discussing what was already in their heart. This scripture I read this week in Mosiah 5 is THEM: "Yea, we believe all the words which thou hast spoken unto us; and also, we know of their surety and truth, because of the Spirit of the Lord Omnipotent, which has wrought a mighty change in us, or in our hearts, that we have no more disposition to do evil, but to do good continually...And we are willing to enter into a covenant with our God to do his will, and to be obedient to his commandments in all things that he shall command us, all the remainder of our days." (verse 2 and 5.) I can't even describe the joy I've felt at seeing them repent and having my understanding of repentance grow.
Also, we had another amazing lesson with the Jarnigans! Their teenage daughter is really leading the way. And we went over this week, and found out that in about a month their fifteen year old has read all the way to the book of Mormon in the Book of Mormon! She had so many question and passages that she loves. She has really picked up well on the themes. The questions that she has are kind of funny, like "Why was Abinadi not so confident the first time he prophesied to King Noah?" I LOVE seeing someone so engrossed in the Book of Mormon, and we have great hopes for them!
Also... pics! Pre baptism!
Our investigator Derika explains the mission of Jesus Christ. Rolling laughing.
P-day shenanigans!
Our favorite Family!
Make America glam again.
We had the best member present lesson ever with Mary! She is 9 years old and has a KILLER testimony!
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