'd Ones,
This week I learned something important. Ever since the beginning sister Brown and I had been surprised at how fast Brian's progress has been. We inwardly wondered whether it was too much of a change for him to be baptized one day and go off to his freshman year at Ball State the next. We prayed, and felt that if it was the Lord's will, we would prepare Brian the best we could for baptism and then hand him off to someone else to baptize.
We had him pray about it, and he had a date picked out before he went off to school, as felt he wanted to be baptized in his "home ward" as he's started calling it.
But this past week, it seemed like everything was getting in the way of making that date happen because of the building being reserved EVERY SINGLE DAY.
Feeling this could be a sign that the Lord wanted us to let Brian be baptized at school, we were sad we may not be able our efforts come to fruition. But we also knew it could be the Lord telling us not to let Brian procrastinate the day of his repentance. We bowed before the Lord, ready to accept His will and felt at peace, trusting the Lord that whatever happened would be for Brian's benefit. Our hope was that these missionaries at Ball State would realize how special Brian is and take him seriously, even though he doesn't look like Peter Priesthood.
We broke the news to Brian in our lesson yesterday with President Hilton. But President Hilton asked why we had not considered doing the baptism after church on Sunday the 14th? We did not even know that was possible! He said he would make sure it happened, and it would be an opportunity for many of the ward members to witness! It was a huge miracle
I feel like the Lord wanted us to prove to ourselves that we would submit our will to His, even if it conflicted with out personal desires. When I submit my will to the Lord, we both win. Brian was so thankful, and in the closing prayer thanked Heavenly Father for hastening the day of his baptism.
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