Things I Never Thought Would Happen As A Missionary:
#24: Have a 15-minute phone convo without saying a single word:
Calling HQ referrals, and I found one that had no other info other than the name and number of Mrs. Jolley. I called and when I explained why I was calling she became very defensive and started on a 15 minute rant, first off telling me how unprofessional I was and how I had a "weak little voice" and telling me I should pay her for telling me that, because her "professional consultant advice" was so valuable. She then went on to give back-handed compliments to the Church about the temple, and pretty much said she and her donations and her husband's roofing company made the temple possible, and then went on to rip into the Church, saying all this false info and about us being a cult. As soon as she took a breath I took her professional advice, told her we'd never call her again, and hung up. O, the wrath of someone whose money can't buy them into the temple.
I think as a missionary one of the hardest thing has been the feeling of being ignored or avoided. It's a lot easier to deal with outright rejection, like in the case of Mrs. Not-So-Jolley, but it's a lot harder to know what to do when someone says they are interested, and you can tell they felt the Spirit, and then ignores you until the Second Coming. But this week made it worth it.
Like Sammi. I had been trying to contact this former investigator since I got into the area. She always said she would get back to us, or was busy, or so on. Pretty much gave up. But then got an email from my former Sister Training Leader, who also served here. I asked her if she felt there was anyone I could check up on. She said Sam. I just sent a friendly hello text and figured we'd never hear back. The next morning we had a text from Sammi. Her fiance had passed away and she wanted to meet with us again. She was so grateful to have heard from us.
And Jane's family. We knew members of the ward lived at this address, and so one day because we had a lesson with their next door neighbor we decided to pop in and introduce ourselves. They acted kinda of annoyed, and they let us in but only because we were letting the bugs in. We asked if we could share a scripture with them and they said no, too busy. I asked if there was another time we could come and get to know all of their family and they pretty much said they were busy all the time, everyday, always. A few days later we got a text from Jane's dad, asking if we could give him the Elder's number for a service project. The Elders brought it up in ward counsel that in getting to know them, their family started going to another church, but really wanted to come back and have their children baptized. The Elders said they had specifically mentioned that they wanted US to teach their kids.
We tried to contact them, and no reply. Then Sister Priddis found us at church yesterday and said that Jane's dad had been in touch with her, and said he saw us without a car and wanted to lend us bikes (which was a huge miracle because the day before we rode our bikes 15 miles total and because we were sore walked 3 1/2 hours straight.) So we went over, and they were so friendly. He gave us some bikes, and basically said he would like to have a calling to help missionaries find and repair their bikes. He invited us over again to tour their chicken coup! Total change.
And Tiffany. She'd been ignoring us for weeks. We hadn't met since she'd missed her baptismal date. But we met up this weekand she was so excited to see us. She apologized, and said been distraught her mother might pass away a non believer, which could happen any day. We had no idea. But she said, "You girls reach out to me at the times I most need it." Which was a blessing because I felt like we were annoying her. Luckily Sister Sorensen is the moving loving person ever!
She was also discouraged about friends who are non believers or even if they do believe don't live like it. And as she said, she "really wants to hang out with them in Heaven." (Just wait until she hears about the Plan of Salvation!) We offered to go knock on their door and she said, "I think this is what we need to do. We need to hang out more, and be friends. And then when I go to hang out with these people or have lunch or dinner with them, I'll invite you over and be like, 'These are my missionary friends! Deal with it!' And then you can be friends with them." She gets the whole member-missionary work thing
She also said she was very touched by the last lesson we'd had with her. She was struggling with a few things, like accepting Joseph Smith as a could he be a prophet when he was not perfect? I mentioned that I had been bothered by those things too, but I realized prophets weren't perfect, because no one is. I mentioned Abraham and things he did. She said she had been researching it, and had to agree. She said it softened her heart so much, and that she now had no desire to look at websites that are anti-Mormon, and she is "done with mainstream churches." We brought Sister Switzer to this lesson too, which was so perfect. She was able to really relate with her and the testimony she is trying to grow, and they hit it off so well! She invited her to church, and then said, "Why don't you come sit with me? Hey, why don't I give you a ride? I'll pick you up. What's your number?" Tiffany said, "I was hesitant to go to this church because I didn't know anyone...I usually go to churches with my friends who invite me, but now that you've invited me, I'll totally commit." It made such a difference. She set a date for baptism after that. Right by her birthday because she wants to remember them at the same time!
It was pretty hard to deal with those things before everything came full circle, but I felt like it helped me get closer to the Lord and realize it's never a bad thing to be "too loving." "Draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you; seek me diligently and ye shall find me; ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you."
Love ya, But Jesus Loves Ya BEST!
Sister Pugmire
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