#1: Tracting selfie!
#2: I don't know what we are .5 miles away from, but we wanted to tract here so we could say we went tracting on "A Street." You'd think there'd be a B or C street, but no.
#3 The refreshments from Kay's wedding. Her colors were pink <3
#5 Me and Sister Luo. She is from mainland China but speaks perfect English! She's only been out three months.
#6 Me and sister Soloa'i. She came out with me!
#7 Toasts at Jerry and Kay's wedding. Was very touched by the toast his nephew gave. He said marriage was a wonderful institution that was sadly becoming less popular, but as a young person he wanted to be someone that perused it even if it wasn't popular.
#8 We tried to proselyte at the fair. Even the pigs seemed uninterested!
#9 My sister training leader, Sister Williams! She's from Idaho too! She will have been my STL for most of my mission!
#10 My former STL, Sister Mondragon. I miss her!
#11 Cutting the cake at the reception. The woman in the colorful kimono is Sister Ross. At one point she left the church and was excommunicated, but she has since returned and is a super awesome member missionary. She helps Kay a lot in perusing a testimony.
#12 Kay and Jerry are the FUNNIEST COUPLE. Imagine Kip and Lafawnduh and reverse the colors, and you have Kay and Jerry.
#13 One of the Senior Sister Missionaries in the Franklin Ward, Sister Marsh, does a thing called "tatting." It's making lace. She's made altar cloths for almost 40 temples and her altar cloths, at a modest price, sell for almost $2,000 dollars should she sell them. But she just donates them. She tatted a heart for the wedding cake! And she made and decorated the cake too. She was a professional cake maker for many years and would make 400 cakes a year.
#14 Kay and Jerry with her daughter Iva after the ceremony. Iva is really sweet!
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