Hola Queridos,
I can't believe my blackout year has finished--I'm 24 this week! My only regret is that I could not listen to Miley Cyrus's "23" this entire year.
{Not really.} We felt prompted yesterday to visit a youth who was not at church yesterday, and we ended up crashing their family birthday party with half the ward (since their family is half the ward). They invited us right in and sang to me as well!
Que lo muerda--Que lo muerda
And we got a new investigator whose wife Ashley (member) was so grateful we came!
This Hermano has been investigating forever, and has a reputation for being so stubborn! But ever since we came, things have changed. We had a lesson about the sacrament, and there was not a moment I didn't know what to say. And then there's a different understanding, not necessarily words. I realize now that one reason he won't baptize is because he knows he will be a leader in the kingdom, and it's daunting.
He used to be mad at the missionaries for coming over so much, but when we left he invited us back, and asked us not to schedule anything after our appointment because we "seem to leave in such a hurry." We had just had dinner with them and a full lesson!
There have also been times in other lessons when I actually have the total OPPOSITE idea about what is going on and I pipe up and say something, but it happens to address with their exact concern. All I have to thank is the Lord.
I think I've had a perspective change this week...if I can help people immerse themselves in the Book of Mormon, the rest will follow. Mission President Carlson sent us an email based on a talk by He reminded us about all the ills in the world and reminded us that all the prophets had offered a simple solution: The Iron Rod, the Word of God. in 1 Nephi 15:23-24 we read: "And they said unto me: What meaneth the rod of iron which our father saw, that led to the tree? And I said unto them that it was the word of God; and whoso would hearken unto the word of God, and would hold fast unto it, they would never perish; neither could the temptations and the fiery darts of the adversary overpower them unto blindness, to lead them away to destruction."
It was obvious to Nephi, who at one or more times was the only strong link in his family. I hope every family, member or not, can take Nephi's words to heart.
Los quiero muchísimo
pero Jesús los ama aun más!
Hermana Pugmire
Found my quince/wedding dress
Lots of Amish neighbors, so we share the road with these handsome fellows.
I wish I would have captured what the sign behind the horse says, but it read, "HORSE AND BUGGY PARKING ONLY." And yes, those are reflectors and turn signals on the back.
Again, like Carmel, Elkhart has a thing for creepy lifesize statues.
First contact Word of Wisdom lesson off the bucket list!
He's getting knowledge, I'm getting wisdom.
Just wanted to let you know, this exists.
And this:
For all your get-down Gospel needs.