Monday, May 16, 2016

Week 9

Hey Loved Ones!

So this week we had to say goodbye to our old zone, and hello to a new zone. Not because I was transferred last week. Sister Gregerson and I were actually the only companionship in the zone to not be transferred! Still in good ol' Franklin. There are only a handful of other missionaries staying, and then our zone combined with Columbus Zone to form the Indianapolis Zone. I thought for sure the new Zone would not be as cool as the one we had before, because I loved every single one of them so much, but this new combined zone has 30 missionaries and they are all super cool! So funny how you can only spend time with someone once or twice a week for a few hours and be best friends.

This week being the first week of transfers was kind of a shuffle. It seemed like even though we stayed,  everything was different. A lot of investigators decided they wanted to ignore us, while others came out of the woodwork. They say it happens a lot the beginning of the transfer, and is a good way to reevaluate how to be most effective. One thing that I've realized is that even as a missionary when you feel the Spirit so strongly, and can fill up your schedule, and go about doing good all the day long, it still might not be the thing that the Lord wants you to do. Sure, the Spirit may say, "Go for it!" because it is the Spirit's job to testify of truth and good. But it is our job to seek the difference between good, better and best, to show our faith in God.

Speaking of which, I love seeing how strong the faith of someone can be when no one tells them "it's too hard" or "you can't do it." Terri came to church on her first Fast Sunday as a member already fasting! We didn't even remind her. Sunday was the first, so it's not like the calendar reminded her either. She has MS, and I think a lot of people in her place would say, "Oh, I'm too sick, I can't do it." But she takes no excuse. She obeys the Lord immediately. She remembered our stake presidency, weeks before she was baptized, telling the stake to focus on fasting especially this month and year, and for missionary opportunities. It reminds me of the story in the New Test where someone came to the Savior imploring their relatives, who were possessed, to be healed. Jesus did so, and the apostles complained they couldn't heal that same person and asked why. Jesus told them it was because the apostles lacked faith, not the ones that were possessed. Even if you think someone wouldn't be able to live the Gospel,. think again, because they might have the faith that you don't.

I love you, but Jesus loves you BEST!
Sister Pugmire

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